tributes[ $attribute_name ]; } } } $this->inner_blocks = new WP_Block_List( $block['innerBlocks'], $child_context, $registry ); } if ( ! empty( $block['innerHTML'] ) ) { $this->inner_html = $block['innerHTML']; } if ( ! empty( $block['innerContent'] ) ) { $this->inner_content = $block['innerContent']; } } /** * Returns a value from an inaccessible property. * * This is used to lazily initialize the `attributes` property of a block, * such that it is only prepared with default attributes at the time that * the property is accessed. For all other inaccessible properties, a `null` * value is returned. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @param string $name Property name. * @return array|null Prepared attributes, or null. */ public function __get( $name ) { if ( 'attributes' === $name ) { $this->attributes = isset( $this->parsed_block['attrs'] ) ? $this->parsed_block['attrs'] : array(); if ( ! is_null( $this->block_type ) ) { $this->attributes = $this->block_type->prepare_attributes_for_render( $this->attributes ); } return $this->attributes; } return null; } /** * Processes the block bindings and updates the block attributes with the values from the sources. * * A block might contain bindings in its attributes. Bindings are mappings * between an attribute of the block and a source. A "source" is a function * registered with `register_block_bindings_source()` that defines how to * retrieve a value from outside the block, e.g. from post meta. * * This function will process those bindings and update the block's attributes * with the values coming from the bindings. * * ### Example * * The "bindings" property for an Image block might look like this: * * ```json * { * "metadata": { * "bindings": { * "title": { * "source": "core/post-meta", * "args": { "key": "text_custom_field" } * }, * "url": { * "source": "core/post-meta", * "args": { "key": "url_custom_field" } * } * } * } * } * ``` * * The above example will replace the `title` and `url` attributes of the Image * block with the values of the `text_custom_field` and `url_custom_field` post meta. * * @since 6.5.0 * @since 6.6.0 Handle the `__default` attribute for pattern overrides. * @since 6.7.0 Return any updated bindings metadata in the computed attributes. * * @return array The computed block attributes for the provided block bindings. */ private function process_block_bindings() { $parsed_block = $this->parsed_block; $computed_attributes = array(); $supported_block_attributes = array( 'core/paragraph' => array( 'content' ), 'core/heading' => array( 'content' ), 'core/image' => array( 'id', 'url', 'title', 'alt' ), 'core/button' => array( 'url', 'text', 'linkTarget', 'rel' ), ); // If the block doesn't have the bindings property, isn't one of the supported // block types, or the bindings property is not an array, return the block content. if ( ! isset( $supported_block_attributes[ $this->name ] ) || empty( $parsed_block['attrs']['metadata']['bindings'] ) || ! is_array( $parsed_block['attrs']['metadata']['bindings'] ) ) { return $computed_attributes; } $bindings = $parsed_block['attrs']['metadata']['bindings']; /* * If the default binding is set for pattern overrides, replace it * with a pattern override binding for all supported attributes. */ if ( isset( $bindings['__default']['source'] ) && 'core/pattern-overrides' === $bindings['__default']['source'] ) { $updated_bindings = array(); /* * Build a binding array of all supported attributes. * Note that this also omits the `__default` attribute from the * resulting array. */ foreach ( $supported_block_attributes[ $parsed_block['blockName'] ] as $attribute_name ) { // Retain any non-pattern override bindings that might be present. $updated_bindings[ $attribute_name ] = isset( $bindings[ $attribute_name ] ) ? $bindings[ $attribute_name ] : array( 'source' => 'core/pattern-overrides' ); } $bindings = $updated_bindings; /* * Update the bindings metadata of the computed attributes. * This ensures the block receives the expanded __default binding metadata when it renders. */ $computed_attributes['metadata'] = array_merge( $parsed_block['attrs']['metadata'], array( 'bindings' => $bindings ) ); } foreach ( $bindings as $attribute_name => $block_binding ) { // If the attribute is not in the supported list, process next attribute. if ( ! in_array( $attribute_name, $supported_block_attributes[ $this->name ], true ) ) { continue; } // If no source is provided, or that source is not registered, process next attribute. if ( ! isset( $block_binding['source'] ) || ! is_string( $block_binding['source'] ) ) { continue; } $block_binding_source = get_block_bindings_source( $block_binding['source'] ); if ( null === $block_binding_source ) { continue; } // Adds the necessary context defined by the source. if ( ! empty( $block_binding_source->uses_context ) ) { foreach ( $block_binding_source->uses_context as $context_name ) { if ( array_key_exists( $context_name, $this->available_context ) ) { $this->context[ $context_name ] = $this->available_context[ $context_name ]; } } } $source_args = ! empty( $block_binding['args'] ) && is_array( $block_binding['args'] ) ? $block_binding['args'] : array(); $source_value = $block_binding_source->get_value( $source_args, $this, $attribute_name ); // If the value is not null, process the HTML based on the block and the attribute. if ( ! is_null( $source_value ) ) { $computed_attributes[ $attribute_name ] = $source_value; } } return $computed_attributes; } /** * Depending on the block attribute name, replace its value in the HTML based on the value provided. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @param string $block_content Block content. * @param string $attribute_name The attribute name to replace. * @param mixed $source_value The value used to replace in the HTML. * @return string The modified block content. */ private function replace_html( string $block_content, string $attribute_name, $source_value ) { $block_type = $this->block_type; if ( ! isset( $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['source'] ) ) { return $block_content; } // Depending on the attribute source, the processing will be different. switch ( $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['source'] ) { case 'html': case 'rich-text': $block_reader = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); // TODO: Support for CSS selectors whenever they are ready in the HTML API. // In the meantime, support comma-separated selectors by exploding them into an array. $selectors = explode( ',', $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['selector'] ); // Add a bookmark to the first tag to be able to iterate over the selectors. $block_reader->next_tag(); $block_reader->set_bookmark( 'iterate-selectors' ); // TODO: This shouldn't be needed when the `set_inner_html` function is ready. // Store the parent tag and its attributes to be able to restore them later in the button. // The button block has a wrapper while the paragraph and heading blocks don't. if ( 'core/button' === $this->name ) { $button_wrapper = $block_reader->get_tag(); $button_wrapper_attribute_names = $block_reader->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( '' ); $button_wrapper_attrs = array(); foreach ( $button_wrapper_attribute_names as $name ) { $button_wrapper_attrs[ $name ] = $block_reader->get_attribute( $name ); } } foreach ( $selectors as $selector ) { // If the parent tag, or any of its children, matches the selector, replace the HTML. if ( strcasecmp( $block_reader->get_tag( $selector ), $selector ) === 0 || $block_reader->next_tag( array( 'tag_name' => $selector, ) ) ) { $block_reader->release_bookmark( 'iterate-selectors' ); // TODO: Use `set_inner_html` method whenever it's ready in the HTML API. // Until then, it is hardcoded for the paragraph, heading, and button blocks. // Store the tag and its attributes to be able to restore them later. $selector_attribute_names = $block_reader->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( '' ); $selector_attrs = array(); foreach ( $selector_attribute_names as $name ) { $selector_attrs[ $name ] = $block_reader->get_attribute( $name ); } $selector_markup = "<$selector>" . wp_kses_post( $source_value ) . ""; $amended_content = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $selector_markup ); $amended_content->next_tag(); foreach ( $selector_attrs as $attribute_key => $attribute_value ) { $amended_content->set_attribute( $attribute_key, $attribute_value ); } if ( 'core/paragraph' === $this->name || 'core/heading' === $this->name ) { return $amended_content->get_updated_html(); } if ( 'core/button' === $this->name ) { $button_markup = "<$button_wrapper>{$amended_content->get_updated_html()}"; $amended_button = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $button_markup ); $amended_button->next_tag(); foreach ( $button_wrapper_attrs as $attribute_key => $attribute_value ) { $amended_button->set_attribute( $attribute_key, $attribute_value ); } return $amended_button->get_updated_html(); } } else { $block_reader->seek( 'iterate-selectors' ); } } $block_reader->release_bookmark( 'iterate-selectors' ); return $block_content; case 'attribute': $amended_content = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); if ( ! $amended_content->next_tag( array( // TODO: build the query from CSS selector. 'tag_name' => $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['selector'], ) ) ) { return $block_content; } $amended_content->set_attribute( $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['attribute'], $source_value ); return $amended_content->get_updated_html(); default: return $block_content; } } /** * Generates the render output for the block. * * @since 5.5.0 * @since 6.5.0 Added block bindings processing. * * @global WP_Post $post Global post object. * * @param array $options { * Optional options object. * * @type bool $dynamic Defaults to 'true'. Optionally set to false to avoid using the block's render_callback. * } * @return string Rendered block output. */ public function render( $options = array() ) { global $post; /* * There can be only one root interactive block at a time because the rendered HTML of that block contains * the rendered HTML of all its inner blocks, including any interactive block. */ static $root_interactive_block = null; /** * Filters whether Interactivity API should process directives. * * @since 6.6.0 * * @param bool $enabled Whether the directives processing is enabled. */ $interactivity_process_directives_enabled = apply_filters( 'interactivity_process_directives', true ); if ( $interactivity_process_directives_enabled && null === $root_interactive_block && ( ( isset( $this->block_type->supports['interactivity'] ) && true === $this->block_type->supports['interactivity'] ) || ! empty( $this->block_type->supports['interactivity']['interactive'] ) ) ) { $root_interactive_block = $this; } $options = wp_parse_args( $options, array( 'dynamic' => true, ) ); // Process the block bindings and get attributes updated with the values from the sources. $computed_attributes = $this->process_block_bindings(); if ( ! empty( $computed_attributes ) ) { // Merge the computed attributes with the original attributes. $this->attributes = array_merge( $this->attributes, $computed_attributes ); } $is_dynamic = $options['dynamic'] && $this->name && null !== $this->block_type && $this->block_type->is_dynamic(); $block_content = ''; if ( ! $options['dynamic'] || empty( $this->block_type->skip_inner_blocks ) ) { $index = 0; foreach ( $this->inner_content as $chunk ) { if ( is_string( $chunk ) ) { $block_content .= $chunk; } else { $inner_block = $this->inner_blocks[ $index ]; $parent_block = $this; /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/blocks.php */ $pre_render = apply_filters( 'pre_render_block', null, $inner_block->parsed_block, $parent_block ); if ( ! is_null( $pre_render ) ) { $block_content .= $pre_render; } else { $source_block = $inner_block->parsed_block; /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/blocks.php */ $inner_block->parsed_block = apply_filters( 'render_block_data', $inner_block->parsed_block, $source_block, $parent_block ); /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/blocks.php */ $inner_block->context = apply_filters( 'render_block_context', $inner_block->context, $inner_block->parsed_block, $parent_block ); $block_content .= $inner_block->render(); } ++$index; } } } if ( ! empty( $computed_attributes ) && ! empty( $block_content ) ) { foreach ( $computed_attributes as $attribute_name => $source_value ) { $block_content = $this->replace_html( $block_content, $attribute_name, $source_value ); } } if ( $is_dynamic ) { $global_post = $post; $parent = WP_Block_Supports::$block_to_render; WP_Block_Supports::$block_to_render = $this->parsed_block; $block_content = (string) call_user_func( $this->block_type->render_callback, $this->attributes, $block_content, $this ); WP_Block_Supports::$block_to_render = $parent; $post = $global_post; } if ( ( ! empty( $this->block_type->script_handles ) ) ) { foreach ( $this->block_type->script_handles as $script_handle ) { wp_enqueue_script( $script_handle ); } } if ( ! empty( $this->block_type->view_script_handles ) ) { foreach ( $this->block_type->view_script_handles as $view_script_handle ) { wp_enqueue_script( $view_script_handle ); } } if ( ! empty( $this->block_type->view_script_module_ids ) ) { foreach ( $this->block_type->view_script_module_ids as $view_script_module_id ) { wp_enqueue_script_module( $view_script_module_id ); } } if ( ( ! empty( $this->block_type->style_handles ) ) ) { foreach ( $this->block_type->style_handles as $style_handle ) { wp_enqueue_style( $style_handle ); } } if ( ( ! empty( $this->block_type->view_style_handles ) ) ) { foreach ( $this->block_type->view_style_handles as $view_style_handle ) { wp_enqueue_style( $view_style_handle ); } } /** * Filters the content of a single block. * * @since 5.0.0 * @since 5.9.0 The `$instance` parameter was added. * * @param string $block_content The block content. * @param array $block The full block, including name and attributes. * @param WP_Block $instance The block instance. */ $block_content = apply_filters( 'render_block', $block_content, $this->parsed_block, $this ); /** * Filters the content of a single block. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$name`, refers to * the block name, e.g. "core/paragraph". * * @since 5.7.0 * @since 5.9.0 The `$instance` parameter was added. * * @param string $block_content The block content. * @param array $block The full block, including name and attributes. * @param WP_Block $instance The block instance. */ $block_content = apply_filters( "render_block_{$this->name}", $block_content, $this->parsed_block, $this ); if ( $root_interactive_block === $this ) { // The root interactive block has finished rendering. Time to process directives. $block_content = wp_interactivity_process_directives( $block_content ); $root_interactive_block = null; } return $block_content; } }
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /htdocs/wp-includes/class-wp-block.php:1) in /htdocs/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1893

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